Posted on: January 30, 2025 Posted by: Alessandra Molina Comments: 0

Written by Elizabeth Hurley, Managing Attorney at The Waterfront Project

Mr. V. called The Waterfront Project on January 16th, having been evicted from his apartment the day before without notice of any lawsuit filed against him. Although he went to court and was able to regain temporary possession of the apartment, the Court’s order left the judgment against him in place and gave him only 7 days to remove his things before he would be evicted again.  The landlord’s case alleged no wrongdoing by Mr. V, but rather that eviction was necessary in order to cure health and safety violations the landlord had failed to address. One of The Waterfront Project’s Staff Attorney, Samantha Hing, took Mr. V.’s case (one of four emergency cases that day), filing an Order to Show Cause application that asked the Court to vacate the default judgment based on Mr. V.’s lack of notice and potentially meritorious defenses. The Court granted the application, scheduling a hearing for the following week.  On January 28th,13 days after first contacting The Waterfront Project, Samantha appeared for the hearing  and helped Mr. V. achieve a settlement agreement that compensates him a total of 10 months’ rent ($2,400.00 in a payment from the landlord, a refund of $800.00 he already paid to the landlord, and two additional months rent-free) and gives him until the end of March to move into a new apartment.  This settlement grants Mr. V. time and money to find safe, decent housing. 

Thanks Sam and Nika, who quickly processed the intake!